Heat Conductivity of the Material Obtained by Melting Steel on Flame Supersonic Jet of Air–Propane Mix

E. U. Arzikulov$^{1,2}$, X. Xasanov$^{1}$, S. K. Eshmamatov$^{1}$, S. Q. Akhrorov$^{1}$, M. D. Toshboyev$^{1}$, Sh. J. Quvondiqov$^{1}$, D. T. Bobonov$^{2}$

$^{1}$Samarkand State University, 15 University Blvd., UZ-140104 Samarkand, Uzbekistan
$^{2}$Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, 4 Islam Karimov Str., UZ-130100 Jizzakh, Uzbekistan

Received: 22.03.2021; final version - 16.06.2022. Download: PDF

In this article presented results of measurements of heat conductivity coefficient of the porous material, obtained by melting industrial steel grade ‘Steel 3’ in the range of temperatures from -140 to +400°C measured on ИT-$\lambda$-400 installation. Comparison of the obtained results with data existing in scientific literatures on porous steel became with various degrees of porosity, showed their good agreement. Heat conductivity of such porous samples unlike well-known mechanisms (electronic and phonon) heat conductivity of metals. Heat transfer in this material is explained by mechanisms, which include transfer through solid pore walls and through gases being inside pore.

Key words: mix of air–propane, supersonic jet, flame, steel, heat conductivity, pore, electron, and phonon.

URL: https://mfint.imp.kiev.ua/en/abstract/v44/i08/1003.html

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/mfint.44.08.1003

PACS: 44.10.+i, 44.30.+v, 71.20.Nr, 72.20.-i, 75.47.-m, 78.55.A

Citation: E. U. Arzikulov, X. Xasanov, S. K. Eshmamatov, S. Q. Akhrorov, M. D. Toshboyev, Sh. J. Quvondiqov, and D. T. Bobonov, Heat Conductivity of the Material Obtained by Melting Steel on Flame Supersonic Jet of Air–Propane Mix, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 44, No. 8: 1003—1012 (2022)

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