The Symmetry of Rare-Earth Metals. The Paradox of Ce and Its Alloys. Quantum Theory. I. Ce
O. I. Mitsek, V. M. Pushkar
G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 36 Academician Vernadsky Blvd., UA-03142 Kyiv, Ukraine
Received: 29.01.2015. Download: PDF
The symmetry of rare-earth metals (REM) and f.c.c.-Ce ‘paradox’ are calculated by means of the method of many-electron operator spinors (MEOS). Spin and orbital MEOS factors with [0001] axis of quantization of the angular moment $J$ are responsible for hexagonal deformation $\Delta(c/a) \propto J^{2}$. Indirect covalent $4f—4f$ bond via band fermions adds the bond energy $E_{4f} \propto n_{f}$. Covalent electron collectivization ($n_{f} = 2$) for Ce($4f^{2}$) gives $J \rightarrow 0$ and $\Delta(c/a) = 0$. In the REM-Ce, there is instability of $4f$-shell contributing to the appearance of $5d$-states with amplitude $\xi_{d}(T)$. Covalent bond $\Gamma^{dd}(k)$ (in the MEOS method) appears because of the chemical-bond fluctuations (CBF) for temperature $T > T_{+}$ in the form of $\xi_{d} (T > T_{+})$ jump. Hysteresis of the f.c.c.—f.c.c. $\alpha-\gamma$-transition is caused by the band—covalent bond $\gamma_{b-c}$. Its maximum width $\Delta T_{h} \propto \gamma_{b-c}^{2/3}$ determines jumps of the volume $\Delta \omega(T_{+})$, entropy $\Delta S(T_{+})$, electrical resistance (ER) $\Delta R(T_{+})$, etc. Particularly, the ER jump $\Delta R(T_{+}) \propto \Delta T_{h}$. The experimental data are interpreted by the use of results of calculation.
Key words: hexagonal distortions of REM, f.c.c.—f.c.c.-transition of Ce, fluctuations of chemical bonds, $4f—5d$-transition, volume jump, entropy jump, ER jump, wave function amplitude jump.
PACS: 61.50.Ks, 71.20.Eh, 72.15.Eb, 75.10.Dg, 75.30.Et, 75.30.Kz, 75.30.Mb
Citation: O. I. Mitsek and V. M. Pushkar, The Symmetry of Rare-Earth Metals. The Paradox of Ce and Its Alloys. Quantum Theory. I. Ce, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 37, No. 4: 433—448 (2015)