Guidelines for Authors
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Language: The language of publication may be English (preferred) or Ukrainian.
Manuscripts, prepared without following the Guidelines (Rules) for Authors (including rules for references), are rejected without consideration per se. The date of receipt is the date of the resubmitted article after following the Guidelines. Journal ‘MNT’ supports the generally accepted principles described on the journal website at page devoted to publication ethics and unacceptable practices. The papers are routinely scanned for plagiarism using the free online plagiarism checker tools (,
Rules for Authors
- The manuscript should be signed by all authors indicating their e-mail addresses. The surname and first name of the corresponding author, with whom the Editorial Office will correspond, his/her e-mail and postal addresses as well as the telephone number should be indicated.
- Manuscript Preparation: Papers should be formatted according to the template, which can be downloaded from the journal website. The length of original papers should not exceed 5000 words and 10 figures. Review articles should not exceed 10000 words and 30 figures. Authors are urged to arrange the manuscript clearly under headings such as: 1. Introduction, 2. Experimental/Theoretical Details, 3. Results, 4. Discussion, 5. Conclusion, References. Subsections should be identified with section and subsection numbers (such as 6.1. Second-Value Subheading). Each paper requires an abstract of 200–250 words summarizing the significant coverage and findings. The 5–7 keywords and PACS numbers (Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme 2010) reflecting the content of the contribution should be supplied.
- Equations and formulae should be typed in MathType (with Text Style as in the main text). The Word Equation Editor is undesirable. Vectors (in the text, tables and figures) are typed in bold (without vector heads — arrows over), for example, a, b, c, A, B, C; and variables (except greek-symbol) — in italics, for instance, a, b, c, A, B, C. Use a period (full stop), but not a comma, to indicate the decimal place everywhere in the text, tables and figures (decimal fractions in English are separated from an integer by a period (.), not a comma (,) as in some other languages). Font and its size in the equation should be the same as in the text. Greek symbols (e.g., α, β, γ, δ, ε, η, θ, λ, μ, σ, φ, ψ etc.) should be typed (inserted) as a Symbol font (regular, but not in italics). Diacritical marks (à, á, â, ã, ä, å, Å, æ, ç etc.) are absent in the template fonts, therefore they should be typed in Times New Roman or Cambria. Complicated formulae, mathematical expressions or (de)notations are not recommended in the title, abstract or keywords.
- Figures (with 300–600 dpi resolution and 12.7 cm maximal width in the journal format) and Tables should be mentioned in the text, numbered with consecutive arabic numbers, and have descriptive captions at the bottom of the figure or top of the table. In the text of the paper, figures are mentioned as following: (in) Fig. 1 (not at the beginning of the sentence) or (in) Figure 1 (at the beginning of the sentence); Fig. 2, a; Fig. 3, a, b or Fig. 3, a and b. Examples for mentioning tables in the text: Table 1; Table 2, a; Table 3, a, b or Table 3, a and b. In the captions to the figures or tables — Fig. 1. ... or Table 1. ... . In addition to those embedded in the text, all the figures should be also submitted separately as attached files in eps, tif, jpg, png or other formats. The figures plotted in opj or cdr formats may be submitted as opj or cdr files as well. The captions to the axes on the graphs must contain the designations (or names) of the plotted values followed by the comma-separated (not in brackets) units of measurement. Designations of the figures a, b, c, d ... (in the figures and within the text) should be set in italics type (without brackets).
- References and Notes: Notes are indicated in the text by consecutive superior arabic numbers (without parentheses). References should be numbered consecutively (in square brackets) throughout the text. Each reference should contain all authors’ list (without shortening via et al.). Authors’ initials should precede their names. Diacritics (ò, ó, ô, ö etc.) sometimes used in the authors’ (sur)names should be typed in Times New Roman. The full list should be collected and typed at the end of the paper in numerical order. Listed references should be complete in all details but excluding article titles in journals. All authors’ initials should precede their names. Each reference has to be followed by the Digital Object Identifier (DOI). References should be strictly formatted according to the following examples:
- S. O. Firstov and T. G. Rogul, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 44, No. 1: 127 (2022) (in Ukrainian).
- V. B. Tarelnyk, O. P. Gaponova, and Ye. V. Konoplianchenko, Prog. Phys. Met., 23, No. 1: 27 (2022).
- M. Chegini, A. Fallahi, and M. H. Shaen, Proc. Mater. Sci., 11: 95 (2015).
- A. Meisel, G. Leonhardt, and R. Szargan, Röntgenspektren und Chemische Bindung [X-Ray Spectra and Chemical Bond] (Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Geest & Portig K.-G.: 1977) (in German).
- J. M. Ziman, Printsipy Teorii Tverdogo Tela [Principles of the Theory of Solids] (Moscow: Mir: 1974) (Russian translation).
- M. A. Stucke, D. M. Dimiduk, and D. M. Hazzledine, High Temperature Ordered Intermetallic Alloys. V (Eds. I. Baker and R. Darolia) (Pittsburgh, PA, USA: MRS: 1993), p. 471.
- Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs and Mathematical Tables (Eds. M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun), Nat’l Bureau of Standards. Appl. Math. Ser. Vol. 55 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Printing Office: 1964).
- B. B. Karpovych and O. B. Borovkoff, Proc. of Symp. ‘Micromaterials Engineering’ (Dec. 25–31, 1999) (Kiev: RVV IMF: 2000), vol. 2, p. 113 (in Russian).
- A. Eh. Krug and Yu. J. Radius, Abstr. Int. Conf. Phys. Phenomena (Dec. 25–31, 1991, Alushta) (Kharkiv: 1991), p. 12.
- T. M. Radchenko, Vplyv Uporiadkuvannya Defektnoyi Struktury на Transportni Vlastyvosti Zmishanykh Krystaliv [Influence of Ordering of the Defect Structure on Transport Properties of the Mixed Crystals] (Thesis of Disser. for Dr. Phys.-Math. Sci.) (Kyiv: G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, N.A.S.U.: 2015) (in Ukrainian).
- E. M. Gololobov, V. B. Shipilo, N. I. Sedrenok, and A. I. Dudyak, Sposob Polucheniya Karbonitridov Metallov [Production Method of Metal Carbonitrides], Authors’ Certificate 722341 SSSR (Published November 21, 1979) (in Russian).
- V. G. Trubachev, K. V. Chuistov, V. N. Gorshkov, and A. E. Perekos, Sposob Polucheniya Metallicheskikh Poroshkov [The Technology of Metallic Powder Production]: Patent 1639892 SU. MKI, B22 F9/02, 9/14 (Otkrytiya i Izobreteniya, 34, No. 13: 11) (1991) (in Russian).
- Yu. M. Koval’ and V. V. Nemoshkalenko, O Prirode Martensitnykh Prevrashchenij [On the Nature of Martensitic Transformations] (Kyiv: 1998) (Prepr./N.A.S. of Ukraine. Inst. for Metal Physics. No. 1, 1998) (in Russian).
Attention: if there are two authors, then “and” is written between them without a comma after the first author (see examples 1, 8, 9, 13 above); if there are more than two authors, then except a comma placed after each author, “and” is also placed before the last one (see examples 2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 12 above). There is no space between the author initials. The journal (book, monograph) title — in italics; every word (except for prepositions and conjunctions) in English title is Capitalized. Periodical (journal) volume number — in bold. Indication of the title (non-italicized) of the cited article as well its last page is optional but encouraging.
Journal title abbreviations should conform to generally accepted styles:
- Submission of Electronic Text and Figures: Authors should submit manuscripts via e-mail. The file should be saved in the native formats of the Microsoft Word with a name consisting the name of the first author, e.g., Smirnov.docx. Besids those embedded in the text, all figures should be also submitted separately as attached files in jpg, tif, eps, png or other formats.
- Proofs: Contributors will receive page proofs for correction by e-mail (with subject beginning by word ‘mfint’) as a PDF document. These must be returned to the editorial office within 5 days of receipt.
- The journal has no article submission, processing, or publication charges.
- Reprints: Authors can freely download a PDF version of their published article from journal website. The printed issues may be ordered by completing the appropriate form sent with proofs and prepaid by authors under the terms as for subscription.
In accordance with an agreement between the journal editors and founders, the editorial board supposes that the authors (sending the manuscript) transfer to the founders and the editorial board the right to publish this manuscript in Ukrainian and (or) in English translation, and we ask the authors to apply to the manuscript a
Copyright Transfer Agreement.
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