Effect of Crystal Structure on Transport and Magnetic Properties of Bulk Ni2MnSn Heusler Alloys
Yu. V. Kudryavtsev, V. M. Nadutov, N. V. Uvarov, V. N. Uvarov, V. V. Klimov, V. S. Mikhalenkov, D. L. Vashchuk, M. R. Kolchiba
G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 36 Academician Vernadsky Blvd., UA-03680 Kyiv-142, Ukraine
Received: 04.02.2016; final version - 26.02.2016. Download: PDF
Effect of alloy structure of Mn-rich Ni52.6Mn34.5Sn12.9 and Ni52.9Mn33.8Sn13.2 Heusler alloys on their magnetic and transport properties is investigated. As shown, the as-cast alloys have two-phase structure. Annealing at T = 1273 K and following quenching of these alloys cause the formation of well-ordered L21-type single-phase structure. Both as-cast alloys demonstrate anhysteretic martensitic transformation within the temperature range 300 K < T < 500 K, which is accompanied with significant changes in their magnetic and transport properties. Based on noticeable changes of magnetic and transport properties of annealed Ni52.6Mn34.5Sn12.9 alloy, it is concluded that, within the temperature range 300 K < T < 400 K, two martensitic transformations in this alloy take place: austenite—10Mmartensite (290K < T < 390 K) and 10М martensite—martensite (110 K < T < 210 K).
Key words: Heusler alloys, martensitic transformation, transport properties, magnetic properties.
URL: http://mfint.imp.kiev.ua/en/abstract/v38/i04/0491.html
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/mfint.38.04.0491
PACS: 61.66.Dk, 71.15.Mb, 71.20.Be, 72.15.Eb, 75.47.Np, 75.50.Cc, 81.30.Kf
Citation: Yu. V. Kudryavtsev, V. M. Nadutov, N. V. Uvarov, V. N. Uvarov, V. V. Klimov, V. S. Mikhalenkov, D. L. Vashchuk, and M. R. Kolchiba, Effect of Crystal Structure on Transport and Magnetic Properties of Bulk Ni2MnSn Heusler Alloys, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 38, No. 4: 491—508 (2016) (in Ukrainian)