Simulation of Collision Stage of Evolution of Bipartite Bimetal Clusters under Impact of Low-Energy Argon Dimers
D. V. Shyrokorad, G. V. Kornich
Zaporizhzhya National Technical University, 64 Zhukovskogo Str., 69063 Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine
Received: 14.07.2016. Download: PDF
The molecular dynamics simulation of the bombardment of bimetal Cu–Au and Ni–Al clusters consisting of 390 atoms by Ar and Ar$_{2}$ particles with initial energies from 1 eV to 1.4 keV is performed. To form the initial bipartite clusters, two monocomponent clusters of relevant elements consisting of 195 atoms are used. 2000 computer experiments during 5 ps of simulation time with different initial coordinates of argon particles are carried out for each value of the initial energy. The simulation is performed within the framework of the classical molecular dynamics using Ackland potential to describe the interaction between the metal atoms, ZBL potential—for the metal–argon-type interaction, and HFD-B3 potential—for the argon–argon-type interaction. The change of the potential energy and the temperature of the bimetal clusters are investigated. In the case of bombardment with argon dimers, in comparison with bombardment by single argon atoms with low energies, the qualitative difference in form of the dependences of potential energy and temperature of the bimetal clusters on the energy of the incident particle is shown. The sputtering yields and their compositions as well as the number of displacements of atoms across the interface between monocomponent parts of the cluster initiated by bombarding particle collision processes are calculated. The significant increase in sputtering yields and in the number of sputtered polyatomic structures with the increase of the incident-ions’ size is shown.
Key words: molecular dynamics, Ackland potential, heat of mixing, atomic clusters, ion bombardment.
PACS: 34.20.-b, 36.40.Mr, 36.40.Qv, 61.46.Bc, 61.80.Az, 61.82.Bg, 68.49.Sf
Citation: D. V. Shyrokorad and G. V. Kornich, Simulation of Collision Stage of Evolution of Bipartite Bimetal Clusters under Impact of Low-Energy Argon Dimers, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 39, No. 2: 163—175 (2017) (in Russian)