Influence of Various Types of Thermal Action on Structure of an Alloy of the Al–Cu–Fe System Containing a Quasi-Crystalline Phase

V. V. Gіrzhon, O. V. Smolyakov, I. V. Gayvoronsky

Zaporizhzhya National University, 66 Zhukovsky Str., 69600 Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine

Received: 15.02.2018. Download: PDF

The structural-phase state of the surface layers of Al$_{63}$Cu$_{25}$Fe$_{11}$ alloy containing icosahedral quasi-crystalline $\psi$-phase after low-temperature thermal cycling, isothermal annealing and pulse-laser treatment in the surface-melting mode is investigated by the XRD and metallographic analyses. As shown, the microhardness of the initial structure significantly increases after thermo-cycling. The maxima of microhardness inside the laser-action zone are associated with decreasing in the cooling rate of the melt in these areas.

Key words: icosahedral quasi-crystalline phase, thermocycling, annealing, pulse-laser treatment, microstructure.



PACS: 61.44.Br, 61.72.Ff, 61.80.Ba, 62.20.Qp, 81.16.Mk, 81.30.Bx, 81.40.Wx

Citation: V. V. Gіrzhon, O. V. Smolyakov, and I. V. Gayvoronsky, Influence of Various Types of Thermal Action on Structure of an Alloy of the Al–Cu–Fe System Containing a Quasi-Crystalline Phase, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 40, No. 7: 909—918 (2018) (in Russian)

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