Influence of a Constant Magnetic Field, which Acts during Melt Solidification, on the Grains of Al $\alpha$-solid Solution in Al–Cu Alloys
E. V. Seredenko
Physico-Technological Institute of Metals and Alloys, NAS of Ukraine, 34/1 Academician Vernadsky Blvd., UA-03142 Kyiv, Ukraine
Received: 11.10.2018; final version - 18.02.2019. Download: PDF
As determined, with the help of a constant magnetic field it is possible to control the size of the grains of the cast alloy, to enhance the efficiency of the modifying elements, and to affect the quantity of alloying and impurity components contained in the grains of the alloy matrix. Specific features of the distribution of Cu in grains of Al $\alpha$-solid solution, treated with a constant magnetic field, which determine their micro-hardness, are established. As found, the constant magnetic field reduces a dendritic liquation of copper.
Key words: Al–Cu alloy, components’ concentration in grains, micro-hardness, constant magnetic field.
PACS: 03.50.De, 61.25.Mv, 61.72.Mm, 64.75.Nx, 81.30.Fb
Citation: E. V. Seredenko, Influence of a Constant Magnetic Field, which Acts during Melt Solidification, on the Grains of Al $\alpha$-solid Solution in Al–Cu Alloys, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 41, No. 7: 873—887 (2019) (in Russian)