Formation of Plasma Nanodisperse Coatings Based on Electric Explosive Nanopowders of Tungsten Oxide

A. M. Korduban$^{1}$, T. V. Kryshchuk$^{1}$, V. V. Trachevskii$^{2}$, M. M. Medvedskij$^{3}$

$^{1}$V. I. Vernadsky Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, NAS of Ukraine, 32/34 Academician Palladin Ave., UA-03680 Kyiv, Ukraine
$^{2}$Technical Centre, NAS of Ukraine, 13 Pokrovs’ka Str., UA-04070 Kyiv, Ukraine
$^{3}$Main Astronomical Observatory, NAS of Ukraine, 27 Academician Zabolotnyy Str., UA-03143 Kyiv, Ukraine

Received: 25.10.2020. Download: PDF

For the first time, the possibility of obtaining nanodisperse oxide coatings by microplasma spraying of ‘dry’ nanopowders obtained by the method of electric explosion of wires (EEW) is shown by example of the $n$-WO$_{3-x}$/stainless steel system. This allows to avoid the presence in the coatings of carbide phases, which formed as a result of the use of organic binders and solvents, hydroxide phases due to the use of aqueous solutions and compounds with chlorine, fluorine and other impurities that are present in liquid precursors, and to obtain impurity-free oxide catalytic coatings with a required chemical composition. The proposed technology, which consists in the use of an EEW chamber as a dispenser of nanopowders for a microplasmotron, is promising for industrial use. Increasing the number of simultaneously operating EEW-synthesis chambers allows either a corresponding increase in the amount of the initial nanopowder or the creation of composite mixtures of nanopowders for the formation of composite coatings. The surface of the oxide coatings obtained in the work is nanodisperse and contains surface active centres in the form of metal ions with reduced oxidation state and oxygen vacancies. The proposed technology allows the implementation of new solutions in the field of materials science in general and, in particular, in the field of catalysis to obtain new types of plasma catalytic coatings on metal ribbons.

Key words: nanodisperse plasma oxide coatings, WO$_{3-x}$/stainless steel system, electric explosion of wires.



PACS: 52.77.Dq, 52.80.Qj, 73.22.-f, 79.60.-i, 81.07.Wx, 81.15.Rs

Citation: A. M. Korduban, T. V. Kryshchuk, V. V. Trachevskii, and M. M. Medvedskij, Formation of Plasma Nanodisperse Coatings Based on Electric Explosive Nanopowders of Tungsten Oxide, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 43, No. 1: 47—58 (2021) (in Ukrainian)

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