Influence of High-Frequency Impact Treatment on the Mechanical Properties and Break Surface Fractography of Amorphous Ribbon
M. O. Vasylyev$^{1}$, V. M. Shyvaniuk$^{1}$, B. M. Mordyuk$^{1,2}$, I. V. Zagorulko$^{1}$, S. M. Voloshko$^{2}$
$^{1}$G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 36 Academician Vernadsky Blvd., UA-03142 Kyiv, Ukraine
$^{2}$National Technical University of Ukraine ‘Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute’, 37 Peremohy Ave., UA-03056 Kyiv, Ukraine
Received: 19.03.2021. Download: PDF
The effect of high-frequency impact treatment (HFIT) on mechanical characteristics of the rapidly quenched amorphous ribbon of the new FINEMET class containing phosphorus (Fe$_{81}$B$_7$Si$_1$P$_{10}$Cu$_1$) is studied. To avoid mechanochemical oxidation, the HFIT process is carried out at room temperature in an argon atmosphere. Quantitative data on the change in microhardness, ultimate strength, elongation and elastic modulus during tensile testing of the ribbon are obtained. The fracture surfaces are studied using scanning electron microscopy. The effects of the HFIT on both an increase in the ultimate fracture strength and on an increase in plasticity are established. Both for the initial and HFIT processed states, the fractography patterns are characterized as the set of the brittle fracture areas, reflecting the sliding process, and viscous fracture areas, which leads to the formation of the rivers and veins network. The processing leads to change in the ratio of these areas. The interpretation of the obtained results is carried out within the framework of the model of heterogeneous nature of the amorphous ribbons plastic deformation and the synergistic effect of the shear bands and free volume interaction.
Key words: amorphous alloy, microhardness, brittleness, strength, shear bands, fractography.
PACS: 61.43.Dq, 62.20.mj,, 62.20.Qp, 68.35.Dv, 81.40.Np
Citation: M. O. Vasylyev, V. M. Shyvaniuk, B. M. Mordyuk, I. V. Zagorulko, and S. M. Voloshko, Influence of High-Frequency Impact Treatment on the Mechanical Properties and Break Surface Fractography of Amorphous Ribbon, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 43, No. 5: 655—671 (2021) (in Ukrainian)