Investigation of Mechanical Properties and Structure of Inconel 718 Alloy Obtained by Selective Laser Sintering from Powder Produced by ‘LPW’

O. S. Vodennikova$^{1}$, M. O. Koval$^{2}$, S. A. Vodennikov$^{3}$

$^{1}$Zaporizhzhya National University, 66 Zhukovsky Str., UA-69600 Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine
$^{2}$Motor Sich JSC, 15 Motorostroiteley Ave., UA-69068 Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine
$^{3}$Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University, 64 Zhukovsky Str., UA-69063 Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine

Received: 24.03.2021. Download: PDF

Modern aspects of high-quality product creating, made of Inconel 718 alloy, with the help of additive technologies are analysed. The possibility of manufacturing blanks by 3$D$-printing with heat-resistant Inconel 718 nickel alloy on the of direct laser sintering ‘EOS M400’ installation is tested. Technological indicators of hot isostatic pressing (HIP) operation using the subsequent heat treatment are given. A comparative analysis of the mechanical and heat-resistant properties of the Inconel 718 alloy, obtained by the method of selective laser sintering (SLS) from powders of the company ‘LPW’ (Great Britain), with the regulatory characteristics of ASM 5662M and TU 14-1-3905-85 is conducted. The dependence of mechanical properties (ultimate stress, 0.2% proof stress, relative extension, toughness, Young’s modulus and Brinell hardness) of Inconel 718 alloy on the growth direction of the part (horizontal direction $XY$ and vertical direction $Z$). The state of fractures after fracture of impact and impact specimens from Inconel 718 alloy, grown in both horizontal and vertical directions, is studied, and it is found that their structure is fine-grained. As shown, on the samples grown in the $XY$ direction, the structural orientation is traced on the fractures (longitudinal section). The macrostructure of samples grown in both horizontal and vertical directions by the SLS method from Inconel 718 alloy is analysed. As shown, after the heat treatment operation it is possible to obtain a dense, homogeneous macrostructure samples characterized by a fine-grained structure with the presence of macrograins, which are elongated in the direction of growth of the sample. Metallographic studies have shown that the operation of the HIP followed by heat treatment contributes to almost complete ‘healing’ of pores and microdiscontinuities, which are concentrated in the internal volumes of the metal, while in the ‘healing’ areas the globular and (or) film oxides are found.

Key words: heat-resistant nickel alloy Inconel 718, selective laser sintering, additive technologies, mechanical and heat-resistant properties.



PACS: 61.72.Mm, 62.20.M-, 81.16.Mk, 81.20.Ev, 81.40.Ef, 81.40.Np, 81.70.Bt

Citation: O. S. Vodennikova, M. O. Koval, and S. A. Vodennikov, Investigation of Mechanical Properties and Structure of Inconel 718 Alloy Obtained by Selective Laser Sintering from Powder Produced by ‘LPW’, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 43, No. 7: 925—937 (2021)

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