Features of the Transport Properties of Superconducting Magnesium Diboride Samples

A. V. Shaternik$^{1}$, T. A. Prikhna$^{1}$, M. Eisterer$^{2}$, V. V. Kovylaev$^{3}$, V. E. Shaternik$^{4}$

$^{1}$V. M. Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials, NAS of Ukraine, 2 Avtozavodska Str., UA-04074 Kyiv, Ukraine
$^{2}$Atominstitut, Vienna University of Technology, Stadionallee, 2, 1020 Vienna, Austria
$^{3}$I. M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems in Materials Science, NAS of Ukraine, 3 Academician Krzhyzhanovsky Str., UA-03142 Kyiv, Ukraine
$^{4}$G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 36 Academician Vernadsky Blvd., UA-03142 Kyiv, Ukraine

Received: 20.08.2021. Download: PDF

A comparative analysis of the experimental data on the microstructure and transport properties of the created and investigated samples of the high-temperature superconductor magnesium diboride MgB$_2$ is carried out. The differences in the pinning of long elastic Abrikosov vortices in the investigated thin-film and bulk samples are discussed.

Key words: high-temperature superconductor, Abrikosov vortice, magnesium diboride, pinning.

URL: https://mfint.imp.kiev.ua/en/abstract/v43/i10/1305.html

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/mfint.43.10.1305

PACS: 73.40.Ns, 74.25.Op, 74.25.Wx, 74.62.Bf, 74.70.Ad, 74.78.Na

Citation: A. V. Shaternik, T. A. Prikhna, M. Eisterer, V. V. Kovylaev, and V. E. Shaternik, Features of the Transport Properties of Superconducting Magnesium Diboride Samples, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 43, No. 10: 1305—1312 (2021)

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