‘Orbital Glass’ Effects. 1. Permanent Magnets

O. I. Mitsek, V. M. Pushkar

G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 36 Academician Vernadsky Blvd., UA-03142 Kyiv, Ukraine

Received: 01.06.2021; final version - 14.11.2021. Download: PDF

Magnetic phase diagram of hard ferromagnets (permanent magnets) is calculated by means of the method of many-electron operator spinors. These alloys A$_{1-x}$B$_x$ are ordered. Covalent bonds (A–B) $\Gamma_{\textrm{AB}}$ are stronger than $\Gamma_{\textrm{AA}}$, $\Gamma_{\textrm{BB}}$. Galois groups (GG-C) of Cr or Mn spins are connected (by spin-orbital bonds) with orbital moments segregations (GG-3). Spin-orbital bond ($L–S$) is stronger than exchange bonds A–A (Co–Co or Mn–Mn). Antiferromagnetism of Mn ($T_{\textrm{N}}$ > 10$^2$ K) is suppressed in alloys (Mn–Bi, Mn–Al, ...). Exchange inversion $T_{\textrm{k}}$ is changed the sign of transition temperature ($T_{\textrm{N}}$ < 0 $\rightarrow$ $T_{\textrm{c}}$ > 0); $T_{\textrm{k}}$ is determined by spin-orbital bond ($\Gamma_{\textrm{AB}}$ > 0). This effect is observed easily at $T_{\textrm{k}}$ > 300 K. It gives magnetic anisotropy $B_{\textrm{A}} \sim$ 10$^3$ Oe. Curie temperature $T_{\textrm{c}}$($x$) and mean moment $p_2$($x$), calculated for alloys A(Co, Mn)$_{1-x}$B(Pt, Bi)$_x$, is determined experimentally. Linearity of $T_{\textrm{c}}$($x$) is broken by spin-orbital term $\Gamma_{\textrm{AB}}$ of component (A–B) covalent bond caused by ‘orbital glass’ of B components (Pt, Mn). Segregation $\textbf{L}_{\textbf{r}}$ with antiferromagnetic (AFM) exchange $A_{\textrm{B}}$ competes with AFM exchange within A-component. Suppression of that by spin-orbital bond $\Gamma_{\textrm{AB}}$ > 0 leads to ‘exchange inversion’ (from $T_{\textrm{c}}$($x$) < 0, $x$ < $x_{\textrm{k}}$ to $T_{\textrm{c}}$($x$) > 0, $x$ > $x_{\textrm{k}}$). Exchange inversion is determined experimentally.

Key words: ‘orbital glass’, moments’ segregation (Galois groups), exchange inversion, ferromagnetic anisotropy.

URL: https://mfint.imp.kiev.ua/en/abstract/v44/i02/0141.html

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/mfint.44.02.0141

PACS: 71.10.-w, 75.10.Dg, 75.30.Et, 75.50.Lk, 75.50.Ww

Citation: O. I. Mitsek and V. M. Pushkar, ‘Orbital Glass’ Effects. 1. Permanent Magnets, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 44, No. 2: 141—150 (2022) (in Ukrainian)

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