Plasmochemical Synthesis of Platinum-Containing Carbon Nanostructures Suitable for CJP 3D-Printing
Ol. D. Zolotarenko1, E. P. Rudakova2, N. Y. Akhanova3, An. D. Zolotarenko1,2, D. V. Shchur2, M. T. Gabdullin3,4, M. Ualkhanova4, М. Sultangazina4, N. A. Gavrylyuk1, M. V. Chymbai2, A. D. Zolotarenko2, I. V. Zagorulko5, Yu. O. Tarasenko1
1O. O. Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry, NAS of Ukraine, 17 General Naumov Str., UA-03164 Kyiv, Ukraine
2I. M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems in Materials Science, NAS of Ukraine, 3 Academician Krzhyzhanovsky Str., UA-03142 Kyiv, Ukraine
3Kazakh-British Technical University, 59 Tole bi, 050000 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
4Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 71 Al-Farabi Ave., 050040 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
5G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 36 Academician Vernadsky Blvd., UA-03142 Kyiv, Ukraine
Received: 02.02.2022. Download: PDF
Carbon nanomaterials (СNM) containing platinum: fullerenes, nanocomposites, graphenes, single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) are created by the method of plasma-chemical synthesis of MPG-7 graphite in helium environment with using the catalyst (Pt). Studies of the morphology and structure of materials formed at the cathode at the micro- and nanoscales have been carried out, and the influence of platinum vapours on the mechanisms of nanostructure formation has been studied. The content of platinum and its distribution in each of the components of the received deposit and in the wall soot is determined by the method of X-ray microanalysis. Differential-thermal analysis of synthesized CNMs in air by TG, DTG, DTA methods is performed, and the composition of synthesis products is identified by differences in heat resistance values. Preliminary results show that such synthesized platinum-containing carbon nanostructures are suitable for 3D-printing CJP technology (ceramic printing) and allow creating electrodes for the fuel cell of the hydrogen cycle without applying a layer of platinum (Pt) catalyst. Today it is the key to creating cheap fuel cells for hydrogen energy.
Key words: nanotechnology, carbon nanostructures (carbon nanostructures), platinum, fullerenes, nanocomposites, nanotubes, graphenes, deposit, plasma, electric arc synthesis, plasma chemical synthesis, 3D-printing, CJP technology.
PACS: 61.78 De, 62.23 Pq, 82.45 Xy
Citation: Ol. D. Zolotarenko, E. P. Rudakova, N. Y. Akhanova, An. D. Zolotarenko, D. V. Shchur, M. T. Gabdullin, M. Ualkhanova, М. Sultangazina, N. A. Gavrylyuk, M. V. Chymbai, A. D. Zolotarenko, I. V. Zagorulko, and Yu. O. Tarasenko, Plasmochemical Synthesis of Platinum-Containing Carbon Nanostructures Suitable for CJP 3D-Printing, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 44, No. 3: 343—364 (2022) (in Ukrainian)