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Modelling of Radiation-Induced Segregation in Fe–9 at.% Cr Alloy with Alloy Dislocation Subsystem Considered

R. V. Skorokhod, O. V. Koropov

Institute of Applied Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 58 Petropavlivska Str., 40000 Sumy, Ukraine

Received: 08.09.2020; final version - 24.12.2021. Download: PDF

For the Fe–9 at.% Cr alloy, radiation-induced segregation is simulated in the model based on the first and second Fick’s laws with inverse Kirkendall effect considered. The governing quantitative characteristics of radiation-induced segregation are systematized and calculated. Such characteristics include the following: concentration profiles of Cr atoms and point defects, surface concentration of Cr atoms, the value of surface enrichment (depletion) of Cr atoms, the full width of the concentration profile of Cr atoms at half maximum enrichment (depletion), segregation area of Cr and discriminant of radiation-induced segregation of Cr atoms in a steady state. The effect of the Fe–9 at.% Cr alloy dislocation subsystem on the specified characteristics of radiation-induced segregation is studied due to the absorption of nonequilibrium point defects. The dislocation subsystem is shown to suppress the effects of radiation-induced segregation. The concentration profiles of Cr atoms and point defects at the selected values of dislocation densities in the alloy dislocation subsystem (0, 1012 m2, 1014 m2, 1016 m2) are calculated. For the values of dislocation densities, the dependence of the surface enrichment of Cr atoms on the irradiation dose increased from 104 dpa to 102 dpa is studied and the dependences of the governing quantitative characteristics of radiation-induced segregation on temperature changed from 250°С to 650°С are analysed.

Key words: radiation-induced segregation, concentrated metal alloys, alloy dislocation subsystem, point defects, concentration profiles, surface enrichment, computer modeling.

URL: https://mfint.imp.kiev.ua/en/abstract/v44/i06/0691.html

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/mfint.44.06.0691

PACS: 07.05.Tp, 61.72.J-, 61.80.Az, 61.80.Hg, 61.82.Bg, 66.30.-h

Citation: R. V. Skorokhod and O. V. Koropov, Modelling of Radiation-Induced Segregation in Fe–9 at.% Cr Alloy with Alloy Dislocation Subsystem Considered, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 44, No. 6: 691—711 (2022) (in Ukrainian)

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