Modification of Surface Layers of Stainless Steel AISI 420 by a Combination of Thermal and Ultrasonic Impact Influence
A. P. Burmak1, M. O. Vasylyev2, V. I. Zakiev1,3, М. М. Voron4, S. M. Voloshko1
1Национальный технический университет Украины «Киевский политехнический институт имени Игоря Сикорского», просп. Победы, 37, 03056 Киев, Украина
2Институт металлофизики им. Г. В. Курдюмова НАН Украины, бульв. Академика Вернадского, 36, 03142 Киев, Украина
3Национальный авиационный университет, просп. Любомира Гузара, 1, 03058 Киев, Украина
4Физико-технологический институт металлов и сплавов НАН Украины, бульв. Академика Вернадского, 34/1, 03142 Киев, Украина
Получена: 31.03.2022; окончательный вариант - 27.04.2022. Скачать: PDF
The influence of ultrasonic impact treatment (UIT) on the microhardness, roughness and structural-phase state of the stainless steel AISI 420 surface is studied. Ultrasonic impact treatment is performed in an inert environment under the same conditions—the amplitude of the hub end was 25 μm, the duration of treatment—50 s. Samples of AISI 420 steel are used after softening heat treatment at annealing temperature of 800°C (initial state), after additional hardening from 980°C with oil cooling and after additional hardening from 980°C with subsequent annealing at 250°C for one hour. As established, that after UIT there is a significant decrease in the roughness of the modified surface and increase in microhardness for all cases compared to the initial state. Taking into account the data of x-ray diffraction analysis the main factors of stainless steel AISI 420 surface layers deformation hardening under different combinations of thermal and ultrasonic impact are discussed.
Ключевые слова: stainless steel, surface morphology, microhardness, deformation, stress, ultrasonic impact treatment, heat treatment.
PACS: 43.35.+d, 61.72.Ff, 81.65.-b, 83.10.-y, 83.10.Tv