Increasing the Damping Capability of Titanium Alloys by Deposition of Plasma Coatings Made from Titanium Nickelide

Yu. O. Kazymyrenko$^{1}$, N. Yu. Lebedeva$^{1}$, T. O. Makrukha$^{2}$

$^{1}$Национальный университет кораблестроения имени Адмирала Макарова, просп. Героев Украины, 9, 54000 Николаев, Украина
$^{2}$Robert Elvorti Economics and Technology Institute, 3 Yevhena Chykalenka Str., UA-25000 Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine

Получена: 23.01.2023; окончательный вариант - 28.02.2023. Скачать: PDF

he article is devoted to solving the scientific and technical problems of increasing the damping capacity of structural materials, in particular, titanium alloys, which is realized by applying plasma coatings of powder of ПН55Т45 brand on a substrate made of titanium ВТ14 (4Al-3Mo-1V) alloy. The research results are presented as the relationship between the structure of hardened plasma coatings and their damping properties. The research stand developed by the authors is based on the method of damped oscillations and used to determine the damping properties of studied coatings. Optical and computer metallography methods are used to study the particle-size distribution, shape, surface condition of source powders, and microstructure of sprayed coatings, using the MMП-2P metallographic microscope equipped with Delta Optical HDCT-20C digital camera and Scope Image 9.0 image processing software. The phase composition is investigated using x-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) on the ДРОН-3.0. Diffractograms are taken from samples of 0.5 mm thick coatings separated from the substrate. Experimental studies of damping capacity have shown significant benefits of using samples made of ВT14 with sprayed coating in conditions of vibrations. For example, the layer with a thickness of 0.5 mm, applying the technology of ‘plasma spraying–hardening’, increases the energy dissipation coefficient by more than 4 times; for the plate made of ВT14, the value of the energy dissipation coefficient is $\psi$ = 1.82%, and for the same plate with coating, $\psi$ = 5.6%. This effect is explained by the fact that the main phase in the structure of the sprayed coating is titanium nickelide NiTi. Diffraction patterns of studied coatings show the predominant content of titanium mononickelide in the structure of sprayed coatings, the peaks of which for the starting powder are the majority ($\cong$ 95%). In addition to NiTi and Ti2Ni phases, which are characteristic to the powder, a small number of other phases are formed on the ВT14 substrate, namely, Ni$_{3}$Ti, Ti$_{3}$Ni$_{4}$, Ti, but pure Ni lines, which are characteristic to ПН55Т45 powder, are absent on diffractograms taken from samples detached from the substrate. As shown, applying a layer ($\delta$ = 0.5 mm) of plasma coating of ПН55Т45 powder on a plate made of ВT14 increases the energy dissipation factor by 4 times and more due to the martensitic structure of the hardened coating as well as to the presence of NiTi. The obtained results can be used to study the stress–strain state of aircraft and ship engine parts.

Ключевые слова: damping ability, plasma coatings, titanium alloys, titanium nickelide, structural materials, vibrations.


PACS: 46.40.Ff, 61.05.C-, 81.15.-z, 81.15.Rs, 81.40.-z, 81.40.Gh

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