The Role of Inhomogeneous Deformation and Correlation of Subsurface Defects in Grazing X-Ray Diffraction
A. Yu. Gaevskii, I. E. Golentus, V. B. Molodkin
G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 36 Academician Vernadsky Blvd., UA-03680 Kyiv-142, Ukraine
Received: 02.12.2103. Download: PDF
The grazing scattering by a crystal with subsurface dilatation-centre-type defects is investigated within the scope of the distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA) of the dynamical theory. The diffuse scattering cross-sections for Bragg diffraction from crystal planes perpendicular to the crystal surface are calculated. The impact of correlations between defects on the diffuse scattering pattern is analysed.
Key words: X-rays, grazing diffraction, dynamical theory, diffuse scattering, subsurface defects, correlation function.
PACS: 61.05.cp, 61.72.Dd, 61.72.J-, 61.72.Yx, 68.49.Uv
Citation: A. Yu. Gaevskii, I. E. Golentus, and V. B. Molodkin, The Role of Inhomogeneous Deformation and Correlation of Subsurface Defects in Grazing X-Ray Diffraction, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 36, No. 2: 141—146 (2014) (in Russian)