Features of the Structure State of the Al—Mg—Si-Alloy Surface Layers After Ultrasonic Impact Treatment

A. L. Berezina$^{1}$, T. O. Monastyrska$^{1}$, G. I. Prokopenko$^{1}$, O. A. Molebny$^{1}$, S. S. Polishchuk$^{1}$, A. V. Kotko$^{2}$

$^{1}$G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 36 Academician Vernadsky Blvd., UA-03680 Kyiv-142, Ukraine
$^{2}$I.M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Sciences, NAS of Ukraine, 3 Academician Krzhizhanovskoho Str., UA-03680 Kyiv-142, Ukraine

Received: 21.11.2013. Download: PDF

The study of the influence of ultrasonic impact treatment on the structure of the 6060 type Al—Mg—Sі alloy surface shows that the initial structural state of the alloy significantly affected the mechanism of relaxation of internal stresses generated by shock-cyclic loading. The formation of orientation chaos is observed in pre-homogenized alloy. Many nanoscale areas (of 20—50 nm width and up to 80 nm length) of re-orientation matrix with random orientation are formed on the surface of the specimen. After ageing of the alloy with formation of a metastable $\beta$′-phase, relaxation is caused by the formation of non-crystallographic orientation bands with a high density of dislocations and with boundaries generated by ragged dislocation. As revealed, the fragmentation of matrix or grain refinement is not observed, during ultrasonic impact treatment of the 6060 type Al—Mg—Sі alloy. Hardening by 24% is achieved due to the internal stresses in the matrix.

Key words: Al—Mg—Si-alloy, ultrasonic impact treatment, orientation chaos, re-orientation stripes, unimodal axial texture, full-profile radiographic analysis.

URL: http://mfint.imp.kiev.ua/en/abstract/v36/i03/0329.html

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/mfint.36.03.0329

PACS: 61.72.Ff, 62.50.Ef, 68.35.bd, 68.37.Lp, 81.40.Cd, 81.40.Lm

Citation: A. L. Berezina, T. O. Monastyrska, G. I. Prokopenko, O. A. Molebny, S. S. Polishchuk, and A. V. Kotko, Features of the Structure State of the Al—Mg—Si-Alloy Surface Layers After Ultrasonic Impact Treatment, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 36, No. 3: 329—342 (2014) (in Russian)

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