The Physicotechnological Analysis of Hydrogen Saturation of the Titanium Metal in Different States

A. A. Shkola

G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 36 Academician Vernadsky Blvd., UA-03680 Kyiv-142, Ukraine

Received: 27.07.2016. Download: PDF

A systematic study is performed for physical and technological analysis of the basic steps of hydrogen saturation of metals in gaseous environment. For the first time, it is pointed out onto the dual role of oxide film on the metal surface. On the one hand, it generates active metal—oxygen vacancy complexes (Ti$^{+3}$—V$_{0}$) as centres of dissociation of H$_{2}$ molecules and, at oxide thickness $d \leq 0.45$ $\mu$m, permits the penetration of H atoms into the metal. On the other hand, at the thickness $d \geq 0.5—1.0$ $\mu$m, it strongly hinders a penetration of H into the bulk of the metal. Special attention is payed to the incubation time $\tau_{inc}$ as a result of influence of numerous parameters and statistical conditions of experiment. The results are illustrated for a broad gamut of the different initial states and degree of dispersion of titanium: from compact discs and washers to chips and powders. In the chips with mechanical and thermal contact of them, the kinetic process of hydrogen saturation is similar to those in compact specimens but with reduced residual stresses (at room temperature). The coefficient of diffusion D$_{H}$ in a filler powder is 10 times less than in $\alpha$-Ti thanks to capillarity.

Key words: active centres, oxide film, incubation time, specific surface area, allotropy.



PACS: 61.72.Cc, 61.72.J-, 61.72.Mm,,, 82.40.-g, 82.65.+r, 88.30.rd

Citation: A. A. Shkola, The Physicotechnological Analysis of Hydrogen Saturation of the Titanium Metal in Different States, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 38, No. 9: 1213—1231 (2016) (in Ukrainian)

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