The Inverse-Problem Approach for Forecasting Characteristics of a Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis in Multilayer Foils in View of Competitive Formation of Phases

T. V. Zaporozhets, Ya. D. Korol

The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, 81 Shevchenko Blvd., 18031 Cherkasy, Ukraine

Received: 22.08.2016. Download: PDF

A semi-analytical solution of the inverse problem of the multistage SHS-reaction description is suggested for determining the thermodynamic driving force and parameters of reaction diffusion in a multilayer nanofoil. The method is based on measurements of front temperature and front velocity as functions of the time of isothermal ageing. In order to estimate the front velocity of multistage SHS-reaction with account of foil ageing, the analytical formulae are suggested. Experimental SHS front temperature dependence on isothermal annealing time has linear sections corresponding to the parabolic growth phase sequence and fractures, which are likely corresponding to the beginning of the next phase, changes in diffusion mechanisms, polymorphic transformations, etc. Approximation of temperature dependences is used to evaluate the thermodynamic driving force for each stage. The fitting of the experimental dependences of SHS-front velocity on the isothermal annealing time and the analytical formula values allow us to estimate the diffusion coefficients for each stage.

Key words: reaction diffusion, phase formation, self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS), parabolic growth law, intermetallic compounds, multilayer foils.



PACS: 61.72.Cc, 64.70.kd, 66.30.Ny, 66.30.Pa, 68.65.Ac, 81.16.Be, 81.20.Ka, 82.33.Vx

Citation: T. V. Zaporozhets and Ya. D. Korol, The Inverse-Problem Approach for Forecasting Characteristics of a Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis in Multilayer Foils in View of Competitive Formation of Phases, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 38, No. 11: 1541—1560 (2016) (in Russian)

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