The Concept of the Mechanism and Kinetics of Influence of Mechanochemical Processes on Edge Cutting Machining

M. O. Kurin, M. V. Surdu

National Aerospace University ‘Kharkiv Aviation Institute’, 17 Chkalova Str., 61070 Kharkiv, Ukraine

Received: 27.01.2017; final version - 28.02.2017. Download: PDF

This work is dedicated to solution of actual problem of explaining processes taking place in the contact zone between the cutting fluid and the juvenile surface. This one is also dedicated to development of a mathematical model allowing estimating the changes of deformation energy due to adsorption. The arguments are presented concerning the reasons for reducing work metal cutting and plastic deformation energy in the presence of cutting fluid. As hypothesized, the main reason is the process of hydrogenation of metal during processing, and the hydrogen itself has the most significant effect on the nature of the destruction of the surface layer of parts, being distributed, as other surfactant, unevenly by means of the accumulation in traps. As found, the free hydrogen in the metal is ionized, and its behaviour is subject to the laws of motion of a charged particle. The phenomenological model of the interaction between the cutting fluid and the juvenile surface are formulated using the electro-dislocation analogy based on similarity of Volterra dislocation and cylindrical condenser. It has the dependences, which allow connecting the electrical nature of the dislocation core with the mechanical characteristics of the material. On the basis theory of dissociative adsorption, the dependence is accepted for calculating the number of molecules of the medium reaching per unit of time the juvenile surface portions formed by dispersing the treated metal in a unit time. It allows the development of a mathematical model to calculate the ratio of the work of deformation of elements both the surface layer of treated material with adatoms and the juvenile surface as well as the dislocation density.

Key words: adsorption, dislocation, hydrogenation, electro-dislocation analogy, solvated electron, Fermi energy, juvenile surface, deformation energy.



PACS: 46.55.+d, 61.72.Bb, 61.72.Lk, 61.72.S-, 68.43.Bc, 81.40.Lm, 81.40.Pq

Citation: M. O. Kurin and M. V. Surdu, The Concept of the Mechanism and Kinetics of Influence of Mechanochemical Processes on Edge Cutting Machining, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 39, No. 3: 401—424 (2017) (in Ukrainian)

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