Evolution of Structure and Properties of Differentially Quenched Rails During Long-Term Operation
V. E. Gromov$^{1}$, A. A. Yur’ev$^{1}$, Yu. F. Ivanov$^{2,3}$, S. V. Konovalov$^{4}$, O. A. Peregudov$^{5}$
$^{1}$Siberian State Industrial University, 42 Kirov Str., 654007 Novokuznetsk, Russia
$^{2}$Institute of High Current Electronics SB RAS, 2/3 Akademicheskiy Ave., 634055 Tomsk, Russia
$^{3}$Tomsk State University, 36 Lenina Ave., Tomsk, 634050, Russia
$^{4}$Academician S. P. Korolev Samara National Research University, 34 Moskovskoe shosse, Samara, Russia
$^{5}$Omsk State Technical University, 11 Mira Ave., Bldg. 8, 644050 Omsk, Russia
Received: 30.08.2017. Download: PDF
Using the methods of contemporary materials science, the regularities of formation are revealed and comparative analysis is carried out for the structure, phase composition, defect substructure, and properties formed at the distance of 0, 2, 10 mm from the tread surface along central axis and on fillet in the head of the 100-meter differentially quenched rails after passage of gross tonnage of 691.8 million tons. The structure of steel rails in initial state are represented by perlite grains of plate morphology, grains of structure-free ferrite (ferrite grains without carbide particles within the bulk) and ferrite grains with carbide particles (ferrite–carbide mixture grains) mainly in forms of short plates and globular particles. Long-term operation is accompanied by formation of gradient substructure manifesting itself in the natural change of the scalar and excess dislocations’ densities, amplitude of steel crystal lattice curvature–torsion, degree of deformation transformation of plate-perlite structure. As shown, the failure of cementite plates of perlite colonies passes mainly by means of two mechanisms: by cutting of gliding dislocations and because of carbon-atoms’ escape from cementite crystal lattice to dislocations. If, in the initial state, carbon atoms are mainly located within the cementite particles, then, after a long-term rail operation, they are distributed both in cementite particles and on defects of steel crystal structure (dislocations, boundaries of grains, and subgrains). The multiple-factor character of steel strengthening is revealed; it is determined by the total set of the structural components of rails’ metal. Quantitative characteristics of physical strengthening mechanisms are determined. As shown, the dislocation substructure formed during the rail operation makes main contribution into rails’ metal strengthening, regardless the analysed material volume (fillet or tread surface) and distance from working surface.
Key words: structure, phase composition, substructure of defects, carbon redistribution, strengthening mechanisms, rails, operation.
URL: http://mfint.imp.kiev.ua/en/abstract/v39/i12/1599.html
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/mfint.39.12.1599
PACS: 61.72.Lk, 62.20.M-, 62.20.Qp, 81.40.Ef, 81.40.Np, 81.40.Pq, 83.50.Uv
Citation: V. E. Gromov, A. A. Yur’ev, Yu. F. Ivanov, S. V. Konovalov, and O. A. Peregudov, Evolution of Structure and Properties of Differentially Quenched Rails During Long-Term Operation, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 39, No. 12: 1599—1646 (2017) (in Russian)