Structure, Phase Composition of Supercooled Austenite, and Kinetics of Its Decomposition in Perlite Temperature Range of Chromium–Manganese Cast Iron

V. Z. Kutsova, M. A. Kovzel, P. U. Shvets, A. V. Grebeneva, V. V. Prutchykova

National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, 4 Gagarin Ave., UA-49600 Dnipro, Ukraine

Received: 10.03.18. Download: PDF

The current paper studies the kinetics features of supercooled austenite decomposition in the pearlite temperature range (600–500°C) in chromium–manganese cast iron with the content of 2.2% carbon, 12.63% chromium, 5.7% manganese. The structure formation, phase composition, hardness as well as the distribution of elements between the phases and the structural constituents of the above-mentioned cast iron after isothermal soaking are investigated. The average size of secondary carbides after isothermal soaking is determined using JMicroVision v.1.2.7 free software.

Key words: kinetics of decomposition, supercooled austenite, perlite, phase transformations, dilatometric curves.



PACS: 61.72.S-, 64.70.kd, 64.75.Op, 81.05.Bx, 81.30.Mh, 81.40.Ef, 81.40.Pq

Citation: V. Z. Kutsova, M. A. Kovzel, P. U. Shvets, A. V. Grebeneva, and V. V. Prutchykova, Structure, Phase Composition of Supercooled Austenite, and Kinetics of Its Decomposition in Perlite Temperature Range of Chromium–Manganese Cast Iron, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 40, No. 4: 551—560 (2018)

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