Magnetomechanical Effects in the Elastic Polymer Composites Containing Ferromagnetic Powder Particles
A. A. Likhachev, Yu. N. Koval
G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 36 Academician Vernadsky Blvd., UA-03142 Kyiv, Ukraine
Received: 17.06.2018. Download: PDF
In the present work, a detailed thermodynamic consideration for the magnetic free energy of the composite material consisting of the ferromagnetic powder particles embedded into a polymer matrix is given. We estimate their magnetostatic interaction energy and its dependence on the microscopic distribution of the magnetization and the magnetic field in the composite material. We also define the hydrostatic component of the mechanical force developed in a composite and the volume change effect caused by the magnetostatic interactions in such composites.
Key words: magnetomechanical effect, magnetostriction, elastic polymer, ferromagnetic powder, composite material.
PACS: 61.50.Ks, 62.20.fg, 64.70.K-, 75.80.+q, 81.40.Jj, 82.35.Np, 83.60.Np
Citation: A. A. Likhachev and Yu. N. Koval, Magnetomechanical Effects in the Elastic Polymer Composites Containing Ferromagnetic Powder Particles, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 40, No. 9: 1221—1230 (2018)