Bases of Formation of the Optimal Complex of Mechanical Properties for Protection against Construction Titanium Alloys Embrittlement

A. V. Shiyan, Yu. Ya. Meshkov

G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 36 Academician Vernadsky Blvd., UA-03142 Kyiv, Ukraine

Received: 11.07.2018. Download: PDF

Within the framework of the concept of structural suitability of metals and alloys, a physically grounded scheme of interrelation between the complex of mechanical properties ‘plasticity–strength–deformation endurance’ and principles of rational formation of these properties for construction titanium alloys is developed. The main regularities of such connection between properties and causes that regulate both the nature of their changes and the degree of sensitivity of some of the basic characteristics of a metal to be changed due to other ones are established. A comparative estimation of the strength reserves of construction titanium alloys via their ability to resist brittle fracture using the $K_{ms}$ mechanical stability index and to embrittlement using the deformation endurance (break resistance) $B_{r}$ index is performed. Concepts concerning the quality of construction titanium alloys are formulated as a measure of their ability to resist embrittlement. A new ‘indicator’ of the quality of construction titanium alloys is proposed: a measure of mechanical quality according to the deformation endurance $B_{r}$ for a given value of strength $\sigma_{Y}$, which reflects alloys’ resistance to embrittlement.

Key words: embrittlement, deformation endurance, break resistance, optimization curve, measure of mechanical quality, structural suitability.



PACS: 46.50.+a, 61.72.Hh,, 62.20.mj,,, 81.40.Ef, 81.40.Np

Citation: A. V. Shiyan and Yu. Ya. Meshkov, Bases of Formation of the Optimal Complex of Mechanical Properties for Protection against Construction Titanium Alloys Embrittlement, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 41, No. 4: 501—527 (2019) (in Russian)

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