Features of Multicomponent Diffusion of Alloying Elements in Titanium Metastable $\beta$-Alloys at Continuous Rapid Heating
V. I. Bondarchuk, P. E. Markovsky
G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 36 Academician Vernadsky Blvd., UA-03142 Kyiv, Ukraine
Received: 20.09.2019; final version - 04.05.2020. Download: PDF
Features of a competitive diffusion of individual alloying elements in high-temperature $\beta$-phase of titanium alloys of the metastable $\beta$-class under non-equilibrium conditions of continuous rapid heating are investigated using a few commercial alloys. As established, the rate of diffusion redistribution of alloying elements in $\beta$-phase depends not so much on their total concentration (expressed by the integral content of $\beta$-stabilizing elements in molybdenum equivalent $C^{\textrm{Mo}}_0$), but on the rates of diffusion of individual elements. Iron concentration is homogenized thought high-temperature $\beta$-phase at first, chromium concentration equalizes somewhat slower, and the concentration of $\beta$-stabilizers of isomorphic type (like vanadium or molybdenum) smoothes most slowly. This leads to the fact that, similarly to carbon steels, in the titanium alloys of metastable $\beta$-class under non-equilibrium conditions of rapid heating in the beginning the para- (partial) and then the ortho- (complete) equilibrium distributions are formed for $\beta$-stabilizers of eutectoid and isomorphic type, respectively.
Key words: titanium alloys, metastable $\beta$-phase, phase transformations, alloying elements, diffusion, chemical inhomogeneity.
URL: http://mfint.imp.kiev.ua/en/abstract/v42/i09/1217.html
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/mfint.42.09.1217
PACS: 64.60.My, 64.70.Kd, 68.35.Dv, 68.35.Fx, 81.05.Bx, 81.40.Ef
Citation: V. I. Bondarchuk and P. E. Markovsky, Features of Multicomponent Diffusion of Alloying Elements in Titanium Metastable $\beta$-Alloys at Continuous Rapid Heating, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 42, No. 9: 1217—1230 (2020)