Study of the Stress–Strain State of the Material of the Blanks during Plastic Stamping by Rolling

V. M. Mykhalevych$^{1}$, M. A. Kolisnyk$^{2}$, A. A. Shtuts$^{2}$

$^{1}$Vinnytsia National Technical University, 95 Khmelnytske Shose, 21021 Vinnytsia, Ukraine
$^{2}$Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, 3 Sonyachna Str., 21008 Vinnytsia, Ukraine

Received: 08.05.2024; final version - 20.11.2024. Download: PDF

The work is aimed at solving an urgent problem in the scientific and technical field: the development and implementation of new technological processes in metal processing aimed at resource-saving and increasing production efficiency. Spinning is an important process in modern industry for the production of thin-walled workpieces, which are widely used in various industries. Investigation of the stress–strain state of the material during spinning is of great importance for improving manufacturing technologies and increasing product quality. This work proposes solutions of key research aspects such as the influence of process parameters (temperature, deformation rate, pressure, etc.) on the stress–strain state of the material. The relationship between these parameters and the mechanical properties of the processed material, including strength, plasticity, and crack resistance, is analysed. The investigation includes experimental methods such as mechanical testing, microstructural analysis, and modelling of deformation processes.

Key words: metal processing, spinning, resource-saving, technological processes, production efficiency, low-waste technologies, pressure material processing, stress–strain state, metal plasticity, forming, technological inheritance, complex-profile products.



PACS: 46.25.-y, 46.35.+z, 81.20.Hy, 81.40.Gh, 81.40.Jj, 81.40.Lm, 83.60.Jk

Citation: V. M. Mykhalevych, M. A. Kolisnyk, and A. A. Shtuts, Study of the Stress–Strain State of the Material of the Blanks during Plastic Stamping by Rolling, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 47, No. 1: 57—81 (2025)

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