Gas-Phase Synthesis of Film Structures of Ni—N System
R. V. Shalaev
Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering Named after O.O. Galkin, NAS of Ukraine, 72 R. Luxembourg Str., 83114 Donetsk, Ukraine
Received: 14.01.2015. Download: PDF
As shown, the magnetron sputtering is effective for the synthesis of various nanostructured phases of nickel nitride (solid solution of nitrogen in nickel, Ni$_{4}$N, Ni$_{3}$N, and Ni$_{2}$N). The regularities of formation of globular or nanocolumnar film structures are determined, depending on the concentration of nitrogen in the buffer gas.
Key words: nickel nitride, nanocolumnars, globules, magnetron sputtering, atomic force microscopy.
PACS: 52.40.Hf, 61.05.cp, 68.35.Dv, 68.37.Ps, 68.55.Nq, 81.07.Bc, 81.15.Gh
Citation: R. V. Shalaev, Gas-Phase Synthesis of Film Structures of Ni—N System, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 37, No. 4: 509—519 (2015)