Periodic Modulations of Magnetostatic Field in Ferromagnetic Cylinder and Their Influence on Etching Figure Formation in Acid Solutions

Yu. I. Dzhezherya$^{1}$, O. Yu. Gorobets$^{2}$, O. P. Kuz$^{2}$, O. S. Klymuk$^{2}$, Yu. I. Gorobets$^{1}$

$^{1}$Institute of Magnetism under NAS and MES of Ukraine, 36b Academician Vernadsky Blvd., UA-03680 Kyiv-142, Ukraine
$^{2}$National Technical University of Ukraine ‘KPI’, 37 Peremohy Ave., 03056 Kyiv, Ukraine

Received: 12.09.2016. Download: PDF

Ordinary cylindrical specimens with easy-axis anisotropy perpendicular to the axis of a cylinder are studied. As shown, the inhomogeneous long-wave magnetic configurations of harmonic type can be created and observed in such samples. A linear theory is developed to simplify the set of Landau— Lifshitz and Maxwell’s equations to one general equation for a magnetostatic potential. The ranges of magnetic fields and the self-parameters responsible for the inhomogeneous periodic configuration formation are determined when solving a boundary value problem for a magnetostatic potential. Dependence of the period of magnetization wave on a magnetic field value, the constant of anisotropy and diameter of a cylinder is determined. The proposed theory gives qualitative explanation of the experiment when, using the Bitter’s powder-like figures’ method, quasi-periodic distributions of the magnetostatic fields can be observed in samples. These fields arise under external magnetic field of about 1 kOe directed along the axis of a steel cylinder and are absent without external magnetic field. An example of practical application of long-wave magnetic structures for a surface morphology control during chemical etching of ferromagnetic metals in acid solutions is given. The quasi-periodic structure of a corrosion surface of ferromagnetic cylinder corresponds to the period of a long-range magnetic structure.

Key words: ferromagnets, domain structure, magnetostatic field, etching.



PACS: 03.50.De, 41.20.Gz, 75.10.-b, 75.30.Gw, 75.60.Ch, 75.70.Kw, 81.65.Cf

Citation: Yu. I. Dzhezherya, O. Yu. Gorobets, O. P. Kuz, O. S. Klymuk, and Yu. I. Gorobets, Periodic Modulations of Magnetostatic Field in Ferromagnetic Cylinder and Their Influence on Etching Figure Formation in Acid Solutions, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 38, No. 10: 1379—1393 (2016)

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