Formation of Optimum Structural Strength of Aviation Fastening Bolts from Titanium Alloys

O. M. Ivasishin, P. E. Markovsky, Yu. Ya. Meshkov, А. V. Shiyan

G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 36 Academician Vernadsky Blvd., UA-03142 Kyiv, Ukraine

Received: 26.07.2017. Download: PDF

A methodology of formation of the optimal structural strength $\tau_{slice}$ is developed. Aviation fastening bolts made from titanium alloys for the purpose of balance of the combination of strength and plasticity properties by rational selection of a set of their basic mechanical characteristics, i.e., the conditional yield strength $\sigma_{Y}$, the ultimate tensile strength $\sigma_{S}$, and the relative reduction in area $\psi$ at the moment of sample destruction. As determined, the value of the structural strength $\tau_{slice}$ of aviation fastening bolts made from titanium alloys is formed by these basic mechanical characteristics, $\sigma_{Y}$, $\sigma_{S}$, and $\psi$, as well as by the true fracture stress $S_f$ under uniaxial tension tests. As shown, in order to increase the structural strength of aviation fastening bolts made from titanium alloys up to the required level of $\tau_{slice} \cong$ 850 MPa, technologists’ efforts must be aimed to increase the level of parameter $\sigma_{Y}$/$\sigma_{S}$ and to reduce the strain hardening exponent $n$ for advanced titanium alloys. The formation conditions for such a complex of properties make possible not only to form the best values of $\tau_{slice}$ purposefully, but also to give a justified forecast estimation of the possibility of further increase of this parameter.

Key words: fastening bolts, titanium alloys, structural strength, embrittlement, optimization of mechanical properties.



PACS: 46.50.+a,, 62.20.mj,, 81.40.Ef, 81.40.Jj, 81.40.Np

Citation: O. M. Ivasishin, P. E. Markovsky, Yu. Ya. Meshkov, and А. V. Shiyan, Formation of Optimum Structural Strength of Aviation Fastening Bolts from Titanium Alloys, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 39, No. 9: 1197—1211 (2017) (in Russian)

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