Influence of a Charge State of Atom on Intensity of X-Ray $K_{\alpha}L^{1}$ Emission of Ti and Cr

M. A. M. Al-Omari, M. O. Borovyi

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 60 Volodymyrska Str., UA-01033 Kyiv, Ukraine

Received: 12.12.2017. Download: PDF

The relative intensity, $\gamma = I(^{3}P)/I(^{1}P)$, of the group of X-ray emission Ti and Cr $K_{\alpha}L^{1}$-satellites in metals and their ion–covalent compounds is experimentally investigated. As established, the value of $\gamma$ decreases by 30–50% at the transition from metals, Ti and Cr, to carbides and oxides, TiC, Cr$_3$C$_2$, TiO$_2$, Cr$_2$O$_3$, with increasing of effective charge of metal atoms. The cause of the $\gamma$ value decreasing may be due to the dependence of the $KL_{2,3}(^{3}P){\varepsilon}p(^{2}S)$ and $KL_{2,3}(^{1}P){\varepsilon}p(^{2}S)$ configurations’ interaction on the screening of the $K$- and $L_{2,3}$-vacancies by free electrons. In metals, this screening substantially reduces the amplitudes of transitions between the states of the $KL_{2,3}(^{3}P){\varepsilon}p(^{2}S)$ and $KL_{2,3}(^{1}P){\varepsilon}p(^{2}S)$ configurations. In ion–covalent compounds, the screening is practically absent; so, a significant enhancement of the Coulomb interaction of the ejected 2$p$-electron with $L_{2,3}$-vacancy leads to a mixture of the $^{3}P$- and $^{1}P$ states of $KL_{2,3}$-configuration by means of the intense interchannel $KL_{2,3}(^{3}P){\varepsilon}p(^{2}S) \to KL_{2,3}(^{1}P){\varepsilon}p(^{2}S)$ transitions.

Key words: effective charge, X-ray $K_{\alpha}L^{1}$ satellites, screening, configuration interaction.



PACS: 32.30.Rj, 34.80.Dp, 78.70.En, 79.20.Ap, 79.20.Kz, 82.80.Pv

Citation: M. A. M. Al-Omari and M. O. Borovyi, Influence of a Charge State of Atom on Intensity of X-Ray $K_{\alpha}L^{1}$ Emission of Ti and Cr, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 40, No. 3: 301—310 (2018) (in Ukrainian)

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