Investigation of Process of Layering of the Solid Solutions Formed by Ultrasonic Milling of Coarse-Grained Powder Blends of Copper with Cobalt and Copper with Iron, and Its Influence on Their Structure–Phase State and Magnetic Properties

V. M. Nadutov, A. O. Perekos, B. M. Mordyuk, V. Z. Voinash, T. V. Efimova, V. P. Zalutskyi, T. G. Kabantsev

G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 36 Academician Vernadsky Blvd., UA-03142 Kyiv, Ukraine

Received: 24.01.2018. Download: PDF

The structure, phase composition, dispersion, and magnetic properties of coarse-grained powder mixture (CGPM) of copper with iron and cobalt after ultrasonic treatment and annealing at 600 and 800°С are studied by x-ray analysis and magnetic methods. As shown, ultrasonic treatment in a ball mill results to mutual dissolution of metals, to solid-solution formation, and to considerable grinding of structure. Following annealing at 600°С does not change phase composition nearly, but essentially influence on coherent-scattering regions’ sizes, and its growth in accordance with Lifshitz–Sl’ozov coalescence theory. Annealing at 800°С results to appearance of pure-metal lines and disappearance of solid-solution lines on x-ray diagram that indicates on oversaturated solid-solutions’ decomposition. Annealing influences essentially on magnetic properties of CGPM fabricated by ultrasonic treatment that is due to both changes of copper concentration in solid solutions with iron and cobalt and the transition of particles’ sizes in powders over critical value (ferromagneticsuperparamagnetic transition).

Key words: coarse-grained powders, ultrasonic milling, magnetic properties, x-ray structural analysis, magnetic measurements.



PACS: 43.35.+d, 61.43.Gt, 64.75.Nx, 75.60.Ej, 81.20.Ev, 81.20.Wk, 81.40.Rs

Citation: V. M. Nadutov, A. O. Perekos, B. M. Mordyuk, V. Z. Voinash, T. V. Efimova, V. P. Zalutskyi, and T. G. Kabantsev, Investigation of Process of Layering of the Solid Solutions Formed by Ultrasonic Milling of Coarse-Grained Powder Blends of Copper with Cobalt and Copper with Iron, and Its Influence on Their Structure–Phase State and Magnetic Properties, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 40, No. 9: 1185—1199 (2018) (in Ukrainian)

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