IIncrease of Physical-Mechanical and Operational Properties of Electric Arc and Plasma Sprayed Coatings by the Formation of a Thermally Stable Ground and Nanosize Substructure

O. M. Dubovyy, A. A. Karpechenko, M. M. Bobrov, A. V. Labartkava, Yu. E. Nedelko, O. O. Lymar

Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, 3 Tsentralnyy Ave., UA-54000 Mykolaiv, Ukraine

Received: 15.05.2018; final version - 11.02.2019. Download: PDF

The results of the study devoted to a thermally stable ground polygonized substructure formation by the pre-recrystallization heat treatment in sprayed coatings are presented in the article. The investigations are carried out on the example of electric arc sprayed coatings from wires Sv-08G2S, 65G, 12Kh18N10T, BrAMts 9-2 and plasma coatings from powders PR-Kh18N9 and PG-19M-01. The effect of the heat treatment exposure duration, as well as the degree and type of additional deformation, on the hardness of coatings from these materials is established. As a result of x-ray structural analysis, it is shown that pre-recrystallization heat treatment (PHT) of the sprayed and deformed coatings in the regimes, which provide the highest parameters of physical-mechanical properties, causes the substructure grounding and allows the formation of the thermally stable nanoscale elements. The effect of additional deformation and PHT on the operational properties (adhesion strength, wear resistance) of sprayed coatings is established.

Key words: pre-recrystallization heat treatment, nanoscale substructure, physical and mechanical properties of sprayed coatings.

URL: http://mfint.imp.kiev.ua/en/abstract/v41/i04/0461.html

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/mfint.41.04.0461

PACS: 81.05.Bx, 81.07.Bc, 81.15.Rs, 81.40.Ef, 81.40.Gh, 83.10.Tv, 83.50.Uv

Citation: O. M. Dubovyy, A. A. Karpechenko, M. M. Bobrov, A. V. Labartkava, Yu. E. Nedelko, and O. O. Lymar, IIncrease of Physical-Mechanical and Operational Properties of Electric Arc and Plasma Sprayed Coatings by the Formation of a Thermally Stable Ground and Nanosize Substructure, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 41, No. 4: 461—480 (2019) (in Ukrainian)

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