Study of Fretting-Fatigue of 65G Steel after Ion Nitriding in Anhydrous Saturating Media
V. G. Kaplun1, T. V. Donchenko1, V. S. Kurskoy1, V. G. Yakovlev2
1Khmelnytskyi National University, 11 Instytutska Str., UA-29016 Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
2Volochysk Machine-Building Plant of Motor Sich JSC, 1 Nezalezhnost Str., UA-31200 Volochysk, Khmelnytskyi Reg., Ukraine
Received: 25.09.2019; final version - 21.01.2020. Download: PDF
The results of investigations of steel 65G fretting-fatigue after deposition of diffusion coatings in plasma of glow discharge by the method of the ion nitriding in hydrogen-free environments are presented. It is shown both an influence of parameters of deposition technological process on fretting-fatigue lifetime and a possibility of their optimization on the criterion of endurance maximum. The optimum condition of ion nitriding in hydrogen-free environments is determined according to criterion of maximal endurance of 65G steel under fretting-fatigue. As established, the fretting-fatigue of steel 65G after ion nitriding in the optimal mode is an order of magnitude higher than corresponding value for steel without nitriding.
Key words: fretting-fatigue, ion nitriding, endurance, hydrogen-free environment, oxinitriding.
PACS: 52.80.Hc,,, 68.35.Dv, 68.35.Gy, 81.40.Np, 81.65.Lp
Citation: V. G. Kaplun, T. V. Donchenko, V. S. Kurskoy, and V. G. Yakovlev, Study of Fretting-Fatigue of 65G Steel after Ion Nitriding in Anhydrous Saturating Media, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 42, No. 5: 705—715 (2020) (in Russian)