Formation of Dissipative Surface Structures during Friction Interaction of Solid Bodies in an External Magnetic Field

M. M. Svyryd, V. I. Dvoruk, O. O. Mikosyanchyk, O. Y. Sydorenko, V. M. Borodiy

National Aviation University, 1 Lyubomyr Huzar Ave., UA-03058 Kyiv, Ukraine

Received: 25.10.2023; final version - 14.10.2024. Download: PDF

The method of formation of the dissipative structures (DS) consisting of wear products obtained during the frictional interaction of solid bodies in a magnetic field (MF) is presented. A physical model of the local influence of MF on the mechanism of formation of the wear-surface DS of a ferromagnetic (steel 45) paired with a diamagnetic (glass) during sliding friction without lubrication is presented. The parameters of the movement and fixation of wear products on the worn surface depending on the direction of MF are determined. As established, the intensity of wear is subjected to the physical laws of the impact of MF on the magnets, which are on the path of its magnetic lines through the actual contact surface.

Key words: magnets, friction, magnetic field, nanostructure, wear products.



PACS: 46.55.+d, 62.20.Qp, 68.35.Af, 75.70.Cn, 81.40.Pq, 82.40.Ck, 83.60.Np

Citation: M. M. Svyryd, V. I. Dvoruk, O. O. Mikosyanchyk, O. Y. Sydorenko, and V. M. Borodiy, Formation of Dissipative Surface Structures during Friction Interaction of Solid Bodies in an External Magnetic Field, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 47, No. 1: 9—24 (2025)

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