Estimation of the Stress-Intensity Factor Value in the Presence of an Adhesive Defect for a Damaged Plate Repaired with a Composite Patch
A. Houari$^{1,2}$, K. Madani$^{2}$, M. Benyettou$^{2}$, N. Kaddouri$^{2}$, M. Belhouari$^{2}$, S. Amroune$^{3}$, B. Mohamad$^{4}$, B. Benamar$^{2}$, A. Chellil$^{1}$
$^{1}$Laboratory of Motor Dynamics and Vibroacoustics (LDMV), M’hamed Bougara University of Boumerdes, Boumerdes, Algeria
$^{2}$Laboratory Mechanics of Structures and Solids (LMSS), DJILLALI LIABES University, Algeria
$^{3}$Laboratory of Materials and Structural Mechanics (LMMS), M’sila University, Algeria
$^{4}$Department of Petroleum Technology, Koya Technical Institute, Erbil Polytechnic University, IQ-44001 Erbil, Iraq
Received: 28.04.2024; final version - 09.07.2024. Download: PDF
Since the implementation of the process for repairing damage in aeronautical structures, the composite patch repair process continues to show its performance with respect to reducing the concentration of stresses in the vicinity of geometric discontinuities and, therefore, ensures a long lifespan of the repaired structure. Despite the advantages, which this process represents compared to conventional riveting, bolting and welding processes, this process still remains applicable for secondary structures. In fact, the exposure of the adhesive to temperature and humidity and the existence of flaws within the adhesive layer remain a major problem of its use. Indeed, during the implementation of this process, several defects are likely to become integrated into the adhesive layer (cavities, cracks, air bubbles, etc.) during the preparation of the surface of the damaged plate; this can lead to inadequate load transfer from the adhesive to the patch. The analysis of the effect of the presence of this type of defect is important for the evaluation of the different constraints in the different substrates. Our work is part of this context; its aim is to employ the finite-elements’ method to examine the mechanical response of a 2024-T3 aluminium plate, which has been damaged and repaired using a composite patch subjected to tensile stress in the existence of a bonding defect with a square shape. The study takes into consideration notch and crack interaction effect in the damaged plate, on the one hand, and the position of the bonding defect, on the other hand. Several factors are highlighted, namely, the crack length, the applied load and defect position. The investigation of the stress-intensity factor and the stresses within the assembly substrates illustrates their dependence on various parameters, particularly, the defect position of the bonding.
Key words: stress-intensity factor composite patch, von Mises stress, shear stress, peel stress, bonding defect.
PACS: 61.46.Hk, 62.23.Pq, 65.80.-g, 68.35.Np, 81.05.-t, 82.35.Gh
Citation: A. Houari, K. Madani, M. Benyettou, N. Kaddouri, M. Belhouari, S. Amroune, B. Mohamad, B. Benamar, and A. Chellil, Estimation of the Stress-Intensity Factor Value in the Presence of an Adhesive Defect for a Damaged Plate Repaired with a Composite Patch, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 47, No. 1: 103-123 (2025)