On the Features of the Magnetic State of $\gamma$-Fe–Ni Alloys

I. V. Zolotarevs’kyy, V. Yu. Ol’shanets’kyy

Национальный университет «Запорожская политехника», ул. Жуковского, 64, 69063 Запорожье, Украина

Получена: 14.06.2023; окончательный вариант - 01.09.2023. Скачать: PDF

The magnetic structure, nonequilibrium and equilibrium states, and magnetic inhomogeneities of austenite in invar Fe–Ni alloys are analysed to substantiate the possibility of the existence of concentration inhomogeneities with a disoriented magnetic structure, which can be the centres of the magnetic $\gamma$$\leftrightarrow$$\alpha$-transition of the first kind. The results of the considered experimental and theoretical studies of this system are summarised. As shown, the magnetic structure and non-equilibrium state of austenite alone cannot lead to the appearance of concentration (magnetic) inhomogeneities in invar alloys. As assumed, the existing concentration inhomogeneities are of fluctuation origin. A model is proposed that explains the basic invar properties of Fe–Ni alloys by the existence of the original magnetic structure of austenite and its inhomogeneous and non-equilibrium state relative to the $\alpha$-phase. It assumes that concentration inhomogeneities with a disoriented magnetic structure in the austenite of invar Fe–Ni alloys in a wide temperature range, from the Curie point to the martensitic point, can play the role of compressed elastic elements in the interior of the ferromagnetic $\gamma$-phase. In fact, they are the subcritical nuclei of $\alpha$-martensite of the first kind magnetic phase transition. Abnormally large changes in the volume of invar Fe–Ni alloys occur as a result of the combined action of a thermodynamic stimulus in the $\gamma$-phase, whose volume is ‘pushed’ to grow by numerous areas of inhomogeneities (subcritical nuclei of the $\alpha$ phase), and changes in its magnetisation in a strong magnetic field and/or during cooling due to the ordering of atomic magnetic moments.

Ключевые слова: invar alloys, concentration magnetic inhomogeneities, exchange integral, Curie and Neel points, equilibrium and non-equilibrium states, Fe$_{3}$Ni or FeNi $\gamma$-phases, ordinary and magnetic martensitic $\gamma$$\rightarrow$$\alpha$-transitions.

URL: https://mfint.imp.kiev.ua/ru/abstract/v45/i11/1281.html

PACS: 64.75.Nx, 75.30.Kz, 75.50.Bb, 75.50.Ee, 75.80.+q, 81.30.Hd, 81.30.Kf

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